by Memnoch
I didn’t realise how much of the blood was on my face until I went into the bathroom a good 10-15 minutes after I woke.
“(Departures) – The seating is horrible at the Calgary Airport, and the shops close way to early. The only good thing was the lack of people at the time, and security. Which aloud for me to sleep in a dusty corner where no-one disturbed me.
Also, I had an injury that started bleeding while I was sleeping in one of the seats. It bled alot, there was a quite the pool of blood under the seat, and I was in a spot where I know people had to have seen me. No one said anything, which really made me wonder. Plus I didn’t realise how much of the blood was on my face until I went into the bathroom a good 10-15 minutes after I woke. And during that 15 minutes or so, not a single person made even the slightest comment.
I’m not sure what that last part says about Calgary Airport, but it makes a funny story for the kids.”