Sleeping in Airports

Airport Adventures: Frankfurt Airport

by a traveller

I awoke to find one of my bags missing and my shoulder bag cut from around my body.

“I am intrigued by your budget travel concept. Sleeping in airports is also a good way to get robbed, which is what happened to me in Frankfurt. I was surprised to be in Frankfurt at the time of the international book fair and could find no bed in Frankfurt less than 300. US. I dozed off in the airport, from which I was flying out later that AM. I awoke to find one of my bags missing and my shoulder bag cut from around my body. The thieves had even cut through my coat. I was damned lucky not to have been slashed in the process. You are all skating on thin ice. Be prepared for the worst! I thought German security would have spared me such an experience. Was I ever wrong!!!”

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